Annual Hearing Exam
Regardless of how well you think you can hear (with or without hearing aids), an annual hearing exam is crucial for your hearing and overall health. Much like an annual physical, an annual hearing exam comprises a series of tests to chart your hearing health. These annual appointments are the best method for documenting how your hearing changes over time with proper intervention like hearing aids.
The Importance of Annual Hearing Exams
Understanding your hearing needs brings peace of mind to you and your family. And in order to have a complete picture of the state of your hearing, it’s important to attend annual hearing exams. Regularly charting your hearing loss and making appropriate adjustments to your hearing aids ensures you are always hearing as well as you should be.
What to Expect at Your Annual Hearing Exam
Your annual hearing exam will include:
Furthermore, an annual hearing exam is a prime opportunity for your provider to review your hearing aids’ functionality. In addition to the above, your provider will also complete the following:
Schedule Your Annual Hearing Exam Today
Has it been more than a year since your last hearing exam? Don’t put it off any longer and schedule your next hearing exam today. Audibel’s network of providers are all licensed, have years of experience and are dedicated to helping their patients hear their best.
Explore Hearing Health Topics
We are committed to helping you hear your best.
Preventative Care
You rely on your hearing in every aspect of your life. Guard this valuable connection to the world with simple, preventative measures.
Hearing Loss and Treatment
Learn about the various types of hearing loss, their symptoms, and the best treatment options.
Hearing Technology
Learn about the amazing clarity and increased functionality made possible by recent advancements in hearing aid technology.